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Slaughterhouse Effluent Treatment Plant 

Slaughterhouse effluent can be treated effectively using TrueWaters  Slaughterhouse effluent treatment plant. It is important to note that if the slaughterhouse wastewater is untreated, then it can cause significant damage to the surface water and groundwater. It can considerably endanger our water resources and harm our aquatic ecosystem.

Effluent treatment plants are used to treat the effluent arriving from various sources like industries and factories. The wastewater released from them contains hazardous and toxic substances which may prove to be harmful to our environment.

The benefits of using TrueWaters Slaughterhouse effluent treatment plant

The major benefits of Slaughterhouse Effluent Treatment Plants manufacturerd by TrueWaters is described here as below:

It meets all the standards and regulations of the environmental body.
It gives odourless and colourless reclaimed water.
These are fully automated.
The components are durable and non-corrosive.
These do not cause noise pollution.
There is minimum sludge generation.
It gives high efficiency in BOD, COD, and pollutants removal.
100% disinfected water is produced.
The main application of Slaughterhouse Effluent treatment plants is in meat processing companies and slaughterhouse farms. These plants are fully automated, and designed for the continuous operation that converts the effluent into reusable water.
The TrueWaters ETP Plant is comprised of electro-coagulation as its primary treatment method whereas electro-oxidation is used as a secondary treatment process.  We are the trusted brand in the market. Having served 500+ customers, we always thrive to provide better and reasonable to our customers. 

TrueWaters incorporates the latest technology that conforms to the predefined industrial standards and quality. Therefore you don’t have to worry about the quality and services. We are one of the most cost-effective companies in manufacturing sewage treatment plants and effluent treatment plants. 
Our company’s main objective is to provide a complete water management automation system for the domestic, industrial and agricultural sectors.
Greenly Irrigation Systems
Plot #5 A, VRS Nagar Road, Cheremaanagar Near 6th Bus stop, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641035, India.
+91 75502 35041greenlyirrigationsystems@gmail.com
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